Easter Blog Round-Up

Road to Emmaeus  8In honor of Holy Week, here’s a collection of interesting posts relevant to the spiritual meaning of Easter from my friends and from others who show up in my social media news feeds.

Donna Fletcher Crow has posted at her blog an excerpt from A Darkly Hidden Truth, The Monastery Murders 2, providing us a glimpse of the holy week her heroine, Felicity, is having.

If you are also a curious low-churcher, here is: Five things to know about Maundy Thursday: What does ‘Maundy’ mean? If you’re in a hurry, the article’s short answer to that is, “Maundy is derived from the Latin word for ‘command,’ and refers to Jesus’ commandment to the disciples to ‘Love one another as I have loved you.’” Holy Thursday remembers the night Jesus was betrayed, the events that took place during the Last Supper.

For those of us who often find ourselves grieving at the holidays, Loving Christ ministries offers 6 Examples of God’s Grace in Grief. The author, Julie Pfeifer, assures us up front she has learned, “the difference between being sad when someone dies and the gut-wrenching, heart-hurting, curl up in a ball unable to move kind of grief.”

Tricia Goyer asks, “What’s So Good About Good Friday?” That one has long plagued my heart, honestly. Similar to Goyer, when I was younger, I liked to say, “there was nothing good about good Friday on Good Friday.” I meant everyone on Christ’s side had a horrible day at the time, and Jesus didn’t receive that day the rewards that made it worth it for him in the end. Of course, as Goyer says in her post, “The ‘good’ part of Good Friday is what I received out of the deal!”

Tish at Hope for the Best shares a memory about a “Missed Easter Surprise” with a poignant lesson about patiently waiting for what God’s prepared for us.

Kerry of A Lamp, a Light, and a Writer reflects on how her son Cole acquired a scar on his right foot to illustrate her post about scars, the meaning behind them, and reminds us the only scars that will stay for all eternity are Christ’s scars.

Angela at Together With Family has suggestions on “How to Keep Jesus in Easter.” Some of these ideas are appropriate for all ages, but this one will be especially helpful to parents.

Though, anyone can put up a manger scene, so perhaps it ought to be fine for adults to create and put up an empty tomb scene, too, whether there are little ones in the nest or not. If you’re not crafty and love this idea, there’s some on Etsy that you could buy for next year, but it is much cheaper to make it yourself. I’ve added some crafts and edibles pins to my Easter Pinterest board.

Two weeks ago, I posted a flash story, “Enough” that may be especially meaningful at Easter as we commemorate what Christ did that answers the broken heart’s question, “how can I be enough?” I’ve also posted commentary on “Enough” that explores in more depth the answer to the broken heart’s question, “Christ’s paid enough and has enough to give you enough.”

Reader, if you have a spiritually meaningful blog post related to Easter, feel free to use the comments to add your link. If you do add yourself to this round-up, I’d appreciate a link back to this or one of my recent posts, if you don’t mind, thanks.

Happy Easter[tweetthis remove_twitter_handles=”true” remove_hidden_hashtags=”true”]In honor of Holy Week, @andreajgraham rounded up blog posts relevant to Easter’s spiritual meaning.[/tweetthis]