Yearning to get to know God better? Are you seeking to see him as a real person, with a real personality, without diminishing his glory by lowering him to sinful man’s level? Whet your appetite with a selection of thirty one passages of scripture with some commentary and a suggested prayer.
Do you find your spiritual life hindered? Do you struggle to come near to God and find yourself avoiding contact with him? Do you know why?
For some, the answer is a red-faced authority figure screaming and/or decking us. For others, it is a moral failing that we know is wrong and are ashamed of and have been rejected over. We may have things in our past or behaviors in our present that we’re ashamed of simply because our communities or immediate families treat us harshly. In all three cases, we fear God will deal with us the same way. We may even fear that holiness means he’ll be even crueler to us than our fellow sin-prone humans.
Whatever makes being around a holy, perfect God so painful, we instinctively avoid him, feeding ourselves on the truth of who he is can set us free. Whether you need that freedom or simply are looking to study this topic deeper, join me as we seek God’s face together.
Note this collection takes devotions from the blog, organizes them topically and revamps them with a rewrite that adds some new material. Plus it has been edited by someone besides myself and generally says things better. Consider also the experience of reading it on your kindle and spending 31 days on contemplating the Character of God and seeking him in prayer.
If you’d like to be a reviewer or an influencer, write me for a free review copy.
Long time blog readers: to determine for yourself if the regular price of $2.99 is worth it to you, go read the sample and compare the introduction to Abide, Don’t Hide. Make Time for God.
If you have a non-fiction manuscript on any of the topics I handle on this blog, and we’re on the same page theologically, yes, Christ Glory Books would consider publishing your ebook through Amazon. The author would receive half the e-book’s profits from Christ’s Glory via Paypal each time Amazon paid out. Send me a professional proposal. I’m more interested in your spiritual qualifications (mature believer, sound doctrine, spiritually gifted for and called to this sort of ministry) and your ability to write well than how large your platform is or how much education you have (though those don’t hurt.)
Product Details
- File Size: 137 KB
- Print Length: 64 pages
- Publisher: Christ’s Glory Books; 1 edition (July 11, 2012)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
- Language: English
- ASIN: B008JLP9H6
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Enabled