Planning gets a bad wrap in some corners of Christendom, with some inferring it’s ungodly and antithetical to having the peace of God and following the Way. This can be true, if our plans are fleshy, rigid rules. Our plans do need to be of God, faith-filled, spirit-filled, prayed-over, etc. But God is not a God of chaos but a God of order. The Bible contains many plans and scheduled events, such as the Jewish feast days that are optional for us to keep. Now, God may lead us down roads that don’t make logical sense from our vantage point, and I have NEVER knownRead More →

I have kindly accepted an invitation from Ruth L Snyder to join her 2015 Writer’s Blog Hop. This will be going on about eight weeks, with four posts total, one every other week; on Mondays for me. Check out her website at the previous link to see her original post and go visit other participating blogs. The topics this year are: Week 1: Writing Goals – share what you’re planning to work on this year (January 10, 2015) Week 2: Writing sample – share a sample from your current Work in Progress (January 24, 2015) Week 3: Favourite character – this can be a realRead More →