“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23)
Sin leads to death: physical death, spiritual death, death of relationship, etc. Any time something dies, it is the wages of sin–Adam’s in the garden at minimum. But this law no longer has the last word. Oh death, where is your victory? Oh grave, where is your sting?
Because the Lord’s tomb is empty, and sin is nailed to the cross, this physical life is not the end, His Spirit can live in us, we are restored to relationship with Him and sometimes with each other–not as often as it should happen, but new beginnings are possible at the cross. Eternal life is a freely bestowed gift–to those of us in Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Let’s show we’re truly grateful today for his gift. And honor him as Lord, not merely out of obligation and fear of hell, but out of love. Lets no longer sow death into our temporal lives; lets truly seek to live in Christ and walk as Jesus walks. He’s made the impossible possible, so lets embrace his power at work in us today, the grace available to live like we have eternal life.
Lord, thank you for your amazing gift. Thank you for setting us free. Strengthen us today to walk in your ways. Show us if there is any wicked way in us you want us to turn from and give up today. Give us the desire and the hunger and the passion to become like you today. We don’t want to live like we did when we were sold to death. Show us in our lives and our own hearts what it means to live like we have eternal life, to live like a citizen of Heaven. Remove all our fears, so only gratitude for your finished work and desire to be like you would motivate us. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.