CSFF Tour: Wayfarer’s Journal

This month, the Christian Science Fiction and Fantasy tour is taking a look at Terri Main’s ezine, the Wayfarer’s Journal.

Fellow members of the Lost Genre Guild, thus far we’ve managed to get along fairly well for an ultraconservative fundamentalist and a “left-leaning” (as the media always puts it) Christian, though not mainline unless you count the Assemblies of God as mainline. I suppose we have this much in common: we both know what “speaking in tongues” is, and we both like a good speculative novel.

Though, as writers, our audience callings are miles apart: Terri’s more evangelistic and I’m more prophetic. The evangelistic focus being on the lost and the prophetic focus, or discipleship as it’s more frequently called, on calling those who’ve already found Him to repentance. Naturally, we both see a need for more of our own type rather than the other, because that’s the way callings function.

When I visited her site for the tour, I was naturally drawn to two shorts from two more Lost Genre Guild members: “Soulless” by Donna Sundblad and “Phobos” by Stoney Setzer.

“Soulless” is an introspective little story that does for cloning what I did for abortion in “Frozen Generation,” which is available in Light at the Edge of Darkness (sorry for the plug!) Seriously, if you like stories that delve into Christian bioethics, you’ll love “Soulless.”

“Phobos” is more a psychological treat dealing with a first contact between humans and life on an alien world where both species are afraid of the “aliens.”


  1. Hi Andrea–

    I think you set forth the distinctions of our missions well. I like that comparison of The Prophetic and The Evangelistic. I guess the one other would be The Didactic. Of course, being a teacher I tend to be drawn to the Didactic which probably explains why I don’t get invited to very many parties. 🙂 And probably also why that doesn’t bother me much.

    But like Paul would say some plant some water but God gives the increase. (A very broad paraphrase, but it’s late and my Bible’s on the other side of the room and I’m too tired to go get it.)

  2. Hi Andrea,

    As the author of “Soulless” I’m thrilled that you enjoyed the story. It touched my heart and gave birth to more questions as I wrote it. Because of this, I’ve expanded it into a novel. The first draft is written and I hope to refine in in 2008 and get it ready to submit.

    Donna Sundblad

  3. Author

    Hi, Terri

    You’re absolutely right. It goes back to the five fold ministry. God calls all five just the same; and you find folks with all five bents working in our field. Though some are more readily apparent than others. But a healthy Church requires workers in all five areas and there’s a place for the prophetic and the evangelistic and certainly the didactic in fiction.

    BTW, for non-Pentecostals/Charismatics, I’m not talking about “thus says the Lord” necessarily when I use the word prophetic. What I mean is more akin to your concept of discipleship.

  4. Author

    Hi, Donna. You’re welcome. I know just what you mean; the same thing happened to me with “Frozen Generation.” Adam and I ended up writing Genesis of Judgment, which is basically an expansion on the territory covered in the short story starring the future head of the McIntyre clan, Dr. David McIntyre, with Azura’s oldest daughter in a supporting role. We’re going to be looking for a home for it, too. Though right now Adam’s focused on Laser and Sword. May God bless you with your endeavor!

  5. Hi Andrea,

    That’s exciting to hear. “Frozen Generation” does have that same penetrating message that leaves the reader pondering without telling them what they must believe. However, it is not a feeling that goes away but burrows and leaves a lingering curiosity to find the answer.

  6. Author

    Thanks, Donna. That’s exactly what I was going for 🙂 I do think “Soulless” accomplishes much the same, though I must admit I anticipated where it was going. I don’t penalize for that in reviews; one reason I’m hard to fool is, as a writer myself, I can too easily get inside the author’s head, if you know what I mean. So instead I just reward for succeeding in fooling me.

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