Wrote this as a teenager, 15-17 years old probably, during my introvert days. Capitol-s “Sun” is a punny metaphor for the Son, i.e. Jesus Christ our Lord. In some ways, this almost advocates for a prayer closet/ war room years before it became popular, my favorite one then was outdoors. I always found it easier to concentrate on things like seeking the Lord in prayer outdoors, especially amongst trees. Anyway, hope this blesses you.

Tower of Refuge and Strength
There is much too haste in City life
No solace to be found, only strife’s dirge
Constantly and that of protest and lust all around
Society has forgotten the wisdom and the song in silence found
For she has cast off the Sun and built her own way
With a heavy and faint heart I ran from city strife
In search of the Sun, which not but dreams remembered
In the wooden clove I found my rest, my solace
No dirge here, my companion was but the song of silence
And reflected in the pool was the bright eye of the sun
I glanced up then, foolishly seeking the Sun’s own face
I was astounded by the brilliance of his glory
And all but blinded by his striking radiance
As the rainbow of his aura pierced with unknown peace
And filled me with such strength that I was unafraid
Many times when I am down I journey now to this quiet place
I eat of the gifts the Sun blesses within me
As I drink of the song found waiting in silence,
The joyful song spills forth from me, joining the solace
And I know, even with the ills of Society, I can remain free
[tweetthis]Flashback Friday: There is much too haste in City life#Poem #nature #sonshine #prayer[/tweetthis]