Steps to take:
1)Create your light
- Become a Christian, receive Jesus’ Gift to you.
- Pray to God that you want to be a light
- Find a good church and attend faithfully
- Pray daily, read the bible, and meditate on His word
- Fellowship! Build relationships with your fellow Christians!
2)Clean your light
- You can’t shine for Jesus if no one can see it, so give it a good cleaning
- Check yourself against the Word. Are you living up to the standards it sets?
- Listen to your brothers and sisters in Christ when they offer advice.
- When you discover sins in your life, pray that God helps you overcome them.
- When necessary, seek counseling from fellow Christians or your pastor.
3)Share your light
- Pray for the desire to share your light. Rarely do we do something successfully if we didn’t want to do it.
- Make sure your friends know you are a Christian
- Pray for unsaved friends, ask God to help you to be a witness to them.
- When God gives you an opportunity to shine, take it. You may have to pray for this a while before it happens.
- God has given you a personality and set of gifts designed to fill a specific niche in the candelabra otherwise known as the Body of Christ. If your church offers any classes that’ll help you explore these, great! Even if you have to resort to trial and error, find what shining methods work for you and go at it! It’s the shining that’s important, not the technique! As long as you are shining, you can safely ignore those who insist you have to shine their way. God knows someone who needs a light just like yours!
- Some things you can do: Join Christian groups at school, church, on the internet, create a webpage, pass out tracks, there are tons of ways to share your light!
- If you already have a website, then consider linking to this page or creating one of your own. Let’s start a candle light vigil for our Lord!
Now playing: Michael Card – Bearers Of The Light
via FoxyTunes