The short pitch: the Life After Mars Series puts my spin on Little House with a pioneer family fighting to stay together and to survive in a dystopian 2080s Mars colony. My Life After Mars series is now out as ebooks. It’s actually a trilogy but I did a crossover novel between Life After Mars and Web Surfer. I have listed that title as book 4 of Life After Mars since it does require reading the trilogy first. So now you know why there’s a semicolon on the cover of book 3; I as the author could’ve ended the series there but I chose notRead More →

The serial has been re-titled Avatars of Web Surfer and re-released by Bear Publications with all ten episodes in one collection, in paperback, for only $9.95! And Avatars of Web Surfer is only $2.99 on Kindle! In the 22nd Century, cyberspace has no bad AIs, only bad coders. Artificial Intelligences lead finite lives with no hope of eternity, but they strive to bring about the coming of an AI Savior. Alexander McGregor is just an infant when his father converts his cells into biological supercomputer components, but he may be the Messiah-figure AIs have longed for, even though on one level, he is only human.Read More →

Sorry for being so late, I get a little scatterbrained when I’m deep into writing a novel. Okay, I get a lot scatterbrained. My all time favorite character (from my own novels anyway) has several aliases so I’ll just give you what would be on his star on the 22nd century walk of fame if its still around: Sander the AI. I’ve already interviewed him, and that’s character profile enough, though. Likewise, I’ve never decided who my favorite character is from either real life or my personal library. Even if I had, that would feel a bit too much like high school. In some ways,Read More →