Personal Update: We adopted five embryos during 2020 and our son was finally born early in 2022. He’s alive and growing up well, praise the Lord! Please share this opportunity to read my next novel release and influence its next revision if you know anyone who’d enjoy reading The Years Eaten: Changeling Restrainers Book 1. Sixteen-year-old changeling Jesse Anders mind-bonds with outsiders like him, giving them his ability to charge their powers and heal by loving each other. His ability drains their mental powers when they act like the folklore monsters inspired by his underground race. And Jesse’s powers backfire, making him believe his nameRead More →

If you’re looking for a sweet, clean, romantic escape from today’s craziness, let me take you back to 1996, a trip to the Ohio State Fair included. Note the Christian content is light but shiny. Short blurb: In 1996, a boy shy loner pranks the arrogant young heir apparent to her favorite campgrounds by pretending she’s a spunky country girl, only he’s not what he seems to be either and God himself appears to be setting them up. Ebook available online from all major ebook stores. Print edition coming to Amazon soon. Free digital copies are available for reviewers upon request. Crack! It’s 1996, andRead More →

Available both in ebook (multiple retailers) and in paperback (on Amazon or direct from author.) Book 3 was written so it can stand alone. If you don’t have time for a trilogy, you can just read Daughter of Eve. Free review copies are available upon request. On the Sixth Day, Emi created the purple-skinned Argevane and Bion from the purple soil of their world. Emi forbid only opening a portal to the red Earth, the twin to their own world. Bion disobeyed and opened the portal, unleashing death and every evil. For this, Emi cursed Bion’s sons to suffer in matriarchal slavery until the SeedRead More →

The short pitch: the Life After Mars Series puts my spin on Little House with a pioneer family fighting to stay together and to survive in a dystopian 2080s Mars colony. My Life After Mars series is now out as ebooks. It’s actually a trilogy but I did a crossover novel between Life After Mars and Web Surfer. I have listed that title as book 4 of Life After Mars since it does require reading the trilogy first. So now you know why there’s a semicolon on the cover of book 3; I as the author could’ve ended the series there but I chose notRead More →

A Daddy Lion looks on tenderly at his cub

One of my images of Father God, a gift from a discipleship class facilitator at church, photographer unknown If you’re wondering where I’ve been, honestly, for a long time, the adoption process and keeping my home clean enough to please our agency was so stressful, I didn’t have enough creative energy left for any writing at all. Now I’ve improved on that front, only to take a class at church that required as much energy as college and took up a lot of free time and frankly after my chores and my course work I just wanted to play games, read, or Facebook on myRead More →