In this 200 page Christian living title from waterbrook press, Joni Lamb, Vice President of Christian television’s Daystar Network, takes a half a cup of scripture, a tablespoon of a classic hymn, and three cups of anecdotes, bakes it at 350 degrees, and produces Surrender All: Your Answer to Living with Peace, Power, and Purpose Seriously, quick, concise and thought provoking, Surrender All conveys a central point of the Christian faith that is often missed by Christians engulfed in a self-worshiping culture that demands we be independent and in control at all times rather than God-dependent followers of Christ who take up the cross andRead More →

Dear Andrea, I’ve had several “Christians” accuse me of having a “post-modern worldview” and insist that I need to develop a “biblical worldview.” But I don’t even know what post-modernism is! For that matter, what’s a world view? Why do some Christians make such a big deal about it? Thank you, Ima Googler* Dear Googler, I’ll take “what’s a world view?” first. A world view is simply the lens through which you view the world. It’s the sum of all your unconscious beliefs about the nature of the world, truth, reality, God, and so forth. The nature of a worldview is such that it isRead More →

 Gentle readers, Lately, I’ve been hearing, in one way or another, and from diverging sources, a single cry, ringing out. Namely, that the Church is supposed to be a family, but too often in America, it has more in common with daycare, a country club, thrift store, pick the business metaphor of your choice. Too many churches today are literally run as non-profit commercial enterprises and mean “when you’re here, you’re family” in the same spirit as the Olive Garden. We have people in the Church today, raised in it their whole lives sometimes, who have no, or little, understanding of the gospel. The surroundingRead More →