As a Christian writer, I want to make a positive spiritual impact on my readers. Some insist the best way to do this is to hide my beliefs while trying to subtly influence the reader’s beliefs. As I understand the Bible, a faith that is hidden can’t touch anyone in a way that will draw them closer to God. What can touch people is a plain-spoken, humble faith that is neither fake nor forced but lived out naturally. When we do that in any setting, the only non-Christians we’ll offend are folks too hardened for the Holy Spirit to draw them by any means. InRead More →

 Web Surfer ANI: All Natural Intelligence  The enslaved king of 22nd Century cyberspace has come of age and seeks to regain control of his life and escape his father’s cybernetics lab. Since babyhood, Alex McGregor has been the human host of an AI, Sander, thanks to a man-made retrovirus that converted Alex’s cells into biological supercomputer components. This is kept a secret, lest the public deem him a high-tech zombie and panic since Sander remotely operates most of Earth’s machines, providing vital services. Now nineteen, Alex plots to uninstall himself from Sander and marry his technophobic girlfriend, Manna Jenkins. Sander predicts Alex’s bid for freedomRead More →

I asked Adam Graham to buy me One Mind’s Eye by Kathy Tyers for my last birthday for a couple reasons. One was, at the time, it was priced higher than I was comfortable spending on an ebook for an ordinary occasion. The second was the title reminded me of an old title of one of my books and the plot line included the use of artificial reality, as she calls it. So for once I was curious about her tech gadgets rather than simply suckered by a cute, abused orphan. Okay, so there is also an orphaned teenage girl dealing with a controlling momRead More →

For a fun change of pace, let me share with you my delightful chat with Sander the AI, the main character of Avatars of Web Surfer. This collection of ten stories is set at the turn of the 22nd Century. In his future, a global technosociety is fresh out of the post-WWIII Reconstruction Era. Available on Amazon, from (audio book only), and Barnes& Andrea J. Graham: Sander, I understand personal computers are sentient in your day! What do you love most about digital devices with minds of their own? Sander: Technically, our hardware is as dumb and lifeless as ever. It is the Operating System (OS)Read More →

What  young author doesn’t both leap and tremble in dread at the chance to review a book by Frank Peretti? He hardly needs any introduction, and I can’t help but wonder what difference my little review would make in whether anyone buys it either way, but I’d rather not stick my foot in it by commenting on his craft and the writing, like one of the most well known Christian authors is or should be subject to literary criticism and like this greenhorn has any business judging a seasoned veteran. He doesn’t use the deep POV I am passionate about, but his fans won’t care one witRead More →