This month, the CSFF Blog is touring the online version of the magazine, The Sword Review. I haven’t been able to plumb this as deeply as I’d like, so I can’t vouch for the contents, but at the price of free, it’s probably worth taking a look at if you’re a fan. For poets especially, it’s worth taking a look, as this appears to be a paying market, and there aren’t many of those for any kind of poetry, let alone speculative.
As to the contents, as I said, I haven’t verified this, but the standards laid out in their writer’s guidelines are very promising. The gist: They frown upon the use of profanity, and if plot requires depicting sexual or violent actions, they prefer it be briefly summarized over rather than shown in graphic description.
This also sounds good: “If the content and message of your story is compatible with traditional values and Christian principles, we will be happy to consider it.”
I have to admit, the poem Modesty by Karen A. Romanko, raised an eyebrow for me. Girls running around nude make me squeamish, though it turns around nice, after seeing a properly clothed mannequin, the girl in the poem scrambled to cover up. I can see how it fits their “tell, don’t show” guidelines.
Probably the best feature of the website is the discussion boards, which lend an interactive element, allowing readers and visitors to discuss the contents of the magazine and interact with the staff and contributors. I have a feeling if I dig deep enough, I’ll find a kitchen sink or two in there.
My apologies to the CSFFers for being awol until the last day of the tour.