For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you.” (Psalm 86:5)
Read this verse and then read it again. Do we believe it? Do we believe God will forgive us when we repent and turn from sin? Do we believe God is good and constant in his love, even when our circumstances are evil? Do we trust Him to see us through it and redeem this for good?
Philippians 2 tells us we are to have the same mind in Christ Jesus and we know he is the same God this passage tells us about. Are we good? Are we forgiving? Is our love steadfast? Do we seek what is best for others, even when circumstances and our finite existence mean we have to say “no” to requests just as God sometimes says “no” to us?
Lord, we fall so short of your glory. No matter how we feel today, we are choosing to reject any emotions telling us you have forsaken us and cannot possibly forgive us, and choose to instead believe in your love and trust in your promises in your word. Change our hearts, Lord, plant your goodness, your steadfast love, your forgiveness there and bring them forth in season. Grant us wisdom to carefully weigh each request in the balance as you do, seeking to bring good to others even out of circumstances not to their liking. In Jesus’ name, amen.