Where were you on the morning of September 11, 2001 when you heard the news about the attacks on America?
We should all have an answer to that.
Tonight on the Truth and Hope Report, Adam and I remembered where we were, and what most of want to forget–what we felt and how it impacted our lives.
I hope you’ll take the time to listen. If you’d rather not download it, you can play the 9/11 +6 podcast online at Adam’s Blog.
But if not:
I’d just gotten out of poetry class at Ashland University, where I was in my third year of studies, and I had an hour to kill before Advanced New Testament, which was in the same building, so I headed to my favorite spot: the second floor computer lab to chat with my then-fiance, Adam.
He’d just gotten back from his early morning class and asked me if I’d heard yet. I was like, “What? Is something wrong?”
That’s when he told me, “The World Trade Center is destroyed!”
Partly because I only knew it as “the Twin Towers,” it took me several minutes to fully comprehend what that meant.
It was shocking, to many of us it seemed like the end of the world. We all clung to our loved ones on that day. Those of us that could. My then-fiance was two time zones away, and my natal family eighty miles. But at least they were still alive, as frightening and confusing as that day was. Nearly 3000 families will never see their loved ones again.
The best way we can honor them is to remember what we felt that day, how our lives and our families were threatened, and to do our level best to make sure it never, ever happens again. On every front.
Remember 9/11!
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