In John 11 we read the famous text where Mary and Martha face the death of their brother Lazarus. While he is ill and dying, the first thing they’re reported doing is sending for Jesus. In this passage, they trust Jesus completely–they are sure even after their brother’s passing, that if Christ had been there, he would have saved Lazarus from dying. Some may be tempted to fault Christ for not being there, and accuse him of waiting on purpose until he had created an opportunity for an even flashier miracle. However, reading the text, a lot of people in this family’s area were bentRead More →

You aren’t less than, inferior to, or worth less than anyone you have ever met face to face. The truth is, all have sinned. All are not good enough. All do not deserve their blessings. All deserve to die for our sins and to burn in Hell for eternity. All can escape God’s wrath only by the blood of the Lamb who took the punishment we deserved. And on top of that, if we accept Christ, God adopts us as his own beloved children and makes us citizens of Heaven. That is amazing grace, and a secure promise to stand on. Nonetheless, let’s remain humblyRead More →

The proposed plan to build a new main library in Boise is a wasteful extravagance and destructive to a city landmark and a historical landmark. It calls for demolishing the existing Boise Library! and removing the Cabin from its current location next door. Neither should be moved or torn down. While only the Cabin is on the official register of historic landmarks, the Library! building dates back to WWII and is an important part of Boise history and one of the important city landmarks that people like me navigate by. Without the current Library! I will get disoriented in that area of town. If BoiseRead More →

  The next time someone is wrong on the internet, let’s try to remember that correction requires a loving relationship, or it won’t be received well. Usually, it is best to just stop and pray. If God does ever ask us to correct his children for him, it is wise to first connect with God’s children and positively and nurture them, meeting their needs in a loving manner. If we take time to do that, we will be much better received. In this context, correction is a positive affirmation of relationship instead of the negative rejection it is when it is disconnected from a warm,Read More →

Guidelines for Christian meditation available in Comfort for Anxiety, please, hold the guilt trip. Sign up for my newsletter for the link to the Printable PDF version! Bonus Prayers for ADHD patients and others looking for a Christian alternative to New Age clearings:  General: Father God, I come before you in the name of your son, Christ Jesus our Lord. Please remove every weight that besets me and keeps me from serving you effectively. Please break every chain that restrains me likewise. Please extinguish every fiery dart of the enemy. In your perfect timing, show me every hindrance, every thought of the heart that holdsRead More →