Looking for reviews for Avatars of Web Surfer, I have only e-review copies at this time, the kindle file and PDF. Book info at the link below, please share. Interested folks should contact “andrea” AT my site’s domain name. I also received some kind feedback from Alan Brown: “Just a compliment on an essay you wrote a year and a half ago – “The Dangers of Righteous Anger“. I am afraid this is exactly the pit the country is falling into … that there are so many groups “righteously angry” at each other, that are getting progressively more angry and progressively less righteous …” IRead More →

This year, on my thirty-fifth birthday, I gave up receiving presents and instead asked my friends and family to give a donation to SendHopeNow.org, to help AIDs Orphans in India. In addition to losing their parents to AIDS, many of the children are themselves infected with HIV. If you have only $1-5 to spare, my birthday campaign continues until 9/20/2016. I’m also taking a journey with my husband, Adam Graham, who has been training for the past few months to do four half marathons in four weeks between October 9th and November 5th. A half marathon is 13.1 miles, doing four in such quick successionRead More →

Peace, brothers and sisters in Christ, peace.   Lately, I’ve encountered a disturbing amount of Christians bickering amongst ourselves, sometimes with the eyes of a lost world literally watching, and likely thinking if our unkind, unloving, disrespectful attitudes in the moment represent what Christ is about, no thanks. They can get plenty of that without the Lord. Meanwhile, often, everyone involved in the fussing is sure they’re right and the other person is wrong, no one is respectfully listening and respectfully responding to each other, and everyone feels justified in their bad behavior by the other side’s bad behavior, and this ugly cycle just goesRead More →

Guest Post By: Diane Velikis I was married for eighteen years to a man I thought was my soul mate. Together we traveled the world, and yes, faced some hard times as well. I took care of his aunt with Alzheimer’s for over seven years, loved her, and grieved her passing. During that time I had spinal surgeries that left me in excruciating pain crying out to God for mercy. I rededicated my life to the Lord and prayed fervently for my “good” husband to come to know my Savior. Really know Him. As a little girl, I often dreamed of returning to North Carolina,Read More →

Or, as Adam Graham would’ve titled this, “The Realm Makers After Action Report.” This year, Adam Graham determined to send me to Realm Makers, to keep his promise that it was my turn next time, so he could go next year. After being persuaded he had just enough money on our tight budget squirreled away, I let myself get excited. Made my plans, carefully prepared everything I thought I’d need at the conference, packed a big suitcase with my laptop, professional clothing, night clothing, exercise clothing, my costume party gear, and multiple folders worth of conference materials, including one for taking notes and three to giveRead More →