Most nightmares come from us working out the bad stuff in life that we don’t want to deal with while awake, but not all. If a nightmare clearly doesn’t relate to anything you’ve gone or are going through, that leaves two possible sources: the devil, yes, and God.

  Gentle Readers, is offering a darling little children’s book. The cover price ($17.95) seems awful high for a hardback copy of such a short book (32 pages, but the e-book is free and well done. Granted, part of the proceeds are going to supply books to orphans and other needy children. The rhymes are kinda cutesy, but it is a children’s book. Doctrinal purists will be upset (and I must admit I was rather annoyed.) On the sixth day, one could conclude on his planet, the woman was created first, at least going off the sentence structure, as he rearranged the order forRead More →

I hope you can help me figure out my dreams, in general I often dream of homes, being disrobed and not remembering how I got this way, fighting with my parents, whom I am estranged from, having heart attacks and a spotlight showing this and feeling embarrassed. Always being chased, someone trying to capture me and hurt me…always running away from something evil…thank you for any help and God bless you. –Tortured by Nightmares Dear Tortured, All quite common. Most of us have looked down in a dream and realized we were partially or completely naked in a dream at some point. It’s an expressionRead More →

I was dreaming that a stack of wheat that was already cut for harvest was bound around a mans waist as I looked closer, I could see grains falling from the stack then bees were all around in my face so I took a sword and tried to hit them with no luck until i turned the sword on its edge at which time I was able to cut one almost in half then all the bees came at me then i woke up but could move for about 20-30 seconds wander what this dream means Thanks, Nick Stack of wheat could represent you, theRead More →

Dear Andrea, I had the following dream in June. I am a middle-aged empty nester with six grandchildren. I bought a new business in July and took on a significant volunteer leadership role this year in an organization. This dream came about a week before both of these events occurred. I was teaching a group of college kids at a high school camp. After our lesson, we toured the camp and were walking around looking at different buildings, etc., and I was explaining some of the purposes of them to the students. Across the way, here came three rams running right at us. I didRead More →