Music is my life blood. Like many, I turn to it for comfort and encouragement in storms, strength during the hour of temptation. Worship is a powerful way to connect with God and fight mental battles and in some cases worship can help with the mental symptoms of some physical battles (along with a healthy diet and exercise.) Here is ten of my favorites, in a fair alphabetical order. 1) “Amazing Grace” (My Chains are God) by John Newton (chorus by Chris Tomlin) Video Lyrics 2) “Beautiful” by MercyMe Video Lyrics 3) “Esther” by Esterlyn (Luke Caldwell) Video Lyrics Note: Esterlyn’s lead singer is theRead More →

The mentally ill come in all the same varieties as people without a mental illness. You have wicked people who are mentally ill, and their mental illness does not make their evil ways any less wicked. You have demon possessed people who are mentally ill, who may need both an exorcism and salvation to be cured, and it may well be instant in their cases, but that is certainly not every case. You have lukewarm Christians with mental illness who use “I’m sick” or “my child is sick” as an excuse to wallow in unrepentant sin. This sort will answer to God on the sameRead More →

Originally Posted at Helping Hands Press. The Web Surfer Series,and the four novels that follow it, features a sentient supercomputer that uses DNA as a quaternary code installed in wetware. It runs from its hardware and remotely operates all other devices on its network. In the serial’s Vol-1, “Regeneration” it manipulates its maker into a wetware upgrade from bacteria to its maker’s preemie son, Alexander McGregor. This marriage of human and machine has bad results for the child. He rules the machines, so he effectively has two heads; his organic human one is called Alex and his “metal head” goes by Sander. His system requiresRead More →

Took Victoria Knight’s painting class at Epworth Chapel on the Green. Hoping you’ll forgive my missing blog post if I give you a free image of my painting instead. You’re welcome to caption this in the comments or suggest Bible verses that would pair well with it. [tweetthis remove_twitter_handles=”true”]”Purple Mountains Majesty” the results of #scifi #author @andreajgraham taking a painting class[/tweetthis]

Part One: a concussion launched me on the journey to the Web Surfer Series as it is today. Part Two: How God taught me to rely more on God in the writing process on the journey to the Web Surfer Series. [tweetthis remove_twitter_handles=”true” remove_url=”true” remove_hidden_hashtags=”true” remove_hidden_urls=”true”]Part Three: Eye-opening lessons from an unexpected, challenging answer to a sci-fi author’s prayer. [/tweetthis] Preview of Part Three: The character God challenged me to write about, Elisha Micah Gabrielson, was born with gender-ambiguous genitalia. In his day, the turn of the 22nd century, such children’s original birth certificates always give their gender as “intersexed” and the only treatmentRead More →