UPDATED A New Easter Tradition–Pineapple Upside Down Cake
In 2016, when I originally posted this, I was recovering from second degree burns and had been rather ill from them all week. Pretty much everything suffered, with my poor, sweet husband having to pick up some of the slack for me. God used a friend I hadn’t seen in forever to get me the meds I needed, and I finally had enough energy to clean my house. I finished the Easter centerpiece I’d been working on in bits and pieces (flowers made from green straws and #2 cone coffee filters soaked in leftover Easter egg dye and left to dry. Carefully tear itRead More →
Worth a 1000 Words?
Took Victoria Knight’s painting class at Epworth Chapel on the Green. Hoping you’ll forgive my missing blog post if I give you a free image of my painting instead. You’re welcome to caption this in the comments or suggest Bible verses that would pair well with it. [tweetthis remove_twitter_handles=”true”]”Purple Mountains Majesty” the results of #scifi #author @andreajgraham taking a painting class[/tweetthis]