Happy New Year everyone. I know it’s been pretty quiet around here. Wanted to let you know my husband hired me (sorta) as a columnist on his blog (if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em), so I’ve been writing over there. One of these days, I will get around to crossposting my religious pieces (Jesus is still my subject of choice, I assure you), I swear. Hopefully a lot sooner than I got around to putting the Short Stories up. In the mean time, you can check go out my posts at Adam’s Blog I’ve also been posting Forgotten as a serial over there. It’s in MS Reader format here, so if you don’t have it and don’t want to get it, you can go check it out, that’s in the Story Blogging Category And we have gotten a few letters on our Advice Column, which has been moved to Adam’s server, so if you haven’t read Ask Andrea lately, might want to check that out, too.
Wrote two new articles I’ve posted in the nonfiction index, Get out of the Net and Walk the Tightrope, and, Crossing the Gorge on a Balance Beam. They’re both parables of sorts, and the latter particularly is technically fiction, but they fit best in that category, I think. Oh, yeah, I actually have two letters up over at Ask Andrea so you may want to check that out as well.
Added a few finishing touches to the Short Story Index and renamed the Article Index the Reading Room, but haven’t changed all the links to it yet.
I have a confession to make. Somewhere along the way, in this last year or two, I forgot who my audience is. Now I have an appology to make. To any editors, publishers, agents, or any other person who thinks I ought to be writing to please them, I am sorry, but I have to stop. When I began writing, it was, literally, All For Christ, but at some point the devil planted the idea that to please the Lord I had to obtain sucess as the world defines it (ie, selling a million copies of a novel, for instance,) Yesterday, though, He reminded me all He ever really wanted was me to write for Him and as far as He’s concerned, anyone else who sees it is secondary. In an effort to get back to my roots, I’m posting that short story index I once wanted to do, then procrastinated on because I viewed it as a lot of work, and then forgot about in the process of losing my focus. I’ve posted six of my shorter fiction works there, four of which are in microsoft reader format (if I can get it to work!) due to length.
I’m starting a new christian advice column, Ask Andrea . I’ve put it over on blogger to make my life easier, but it’s technically a ministry of this website. We need your letters, so if you need any good christian advice, please email me your questions.
Posted a new article on an issue that’s been weighing on my heart recently, Farming 101. It’s an examination of the “Parable of the Sower,” (mine, rather, not the one in the bible) looking at the effects of the emphasis in the church today on Sowing. If you’re introverted, trust me, you want to read this.
Okay, I’ve finally gotten around to writing Lesson Five of my testimony, When God Calls you, Go! yesterday and I’ve uploaded that today. I’m going to try and get to Lesson Six and possibly a Seven here soon as well.
Yikes. Got a kick in the rear about not updating my website in over a year. I’m gonna try to get back to y’all. Sorry about this. Today I got done weeding through a year’s worth of SPAM. Funny how I get nigerian scams from this site and I’m not even sellin’ anything here. I’m sittin’ here, having turned 23 last September, and remembering when I was sixteen 23 was OLD and how cool 23 year olds were. Why don’t I feel old and cool???? LOL. More like young and bookish. Guess when the median age at church is around 55, it’s hard not to feel like a baby still. I’m proud of them though, instead of just sitting around whining about how young families won’t come (and bring their kids to sunday school), they did something about it. Now if we can just kill that darn wolf separating the lambs from the ewes….
Okay, I updated my Bio Sheet it was way out of date–it had me still in Montana and we moved to Idaho a year ago last (gasp) September 11th. So on one september 11th I’m sitting in the computer room before my New Testament class listening (reading?) in horror as my fiance informs me on AIM terrorists just flew an air plane into the World Trade Center, then on another (2003) I’m sitting in a moving van listening to the rattle of the tamborine I got for my last birthday and insisted on taking in the cab with me while my pet fish (who died last summer) sits in the washing machine in his little bowl. Cheery, huh?
Happy New Year. This year I’ve been working on a separate project King Kilts , due to the fact that this new venture has potential for profit and we need the money. King Kilts, in case you’re interested, specializes in making king-sized kilts at discount prices. If you’re wondering how a nice young lady like me got mixed up in making kilts, my husband’s website can explain that.
I also corrected some dead links and loaded a new prayer board.
Added a new poem that I wrote recently, Breath , to the Poetry Index, if you didn’t notice, I put The Great Reversal up there a while back too, but forgot to mention that one.
Uploaded Will You Sing? and Giving Thanks to the Poetry Index Oh, and, by the way, Adam added a new Bible On… article awhile back, The Bible on Giving, he did that one all by himself, and of course didn’t think to put an entry in the What’s New Log, since this page has historically been my “journal” so to speak.
Performed general site maintence, uploaded a new poem that I wrote earlier this month, The Great Reversal And yes, I do still intend to eventually work on the Short Story Index, (Adam and I both have plenty), I just keep putting it off because I precieve that one to be a lot of work. I did finally take down the “coming soon” bit, that one was a little tacky.
I put together “How to Find God”, a Booklet for new christians (and anyone else who wants the exercise) to help them in learning to study the bible through prayer (also known as meditation), and to grow in the word. No easy answers here, this one will require some work on the reader’s part! Told you’d I’d add new content 🙂 If you try it, let me know what you think. And yes, you may share it with your friends, family, church, etc. I’d appreciate it if you notified me first, though, and it’d be nice if you included the source url.
Added a new link to the Cool Christian Websites . I’m current on all previous applications and I AM currently accepting new link exchange applications. I updated the submission guidlines on the Link Exchange Application recently as well. And yes, I intend to post new content soon 🙂 11/21/02
I’ve finally gotten started on all of link exchange applications “sitting on my desk” for “forever”, starting with those that have been there the longest, this one’s gonna take me a few days, but I do have my prilimary check of old links and one new link processed and just uploaded the updated Cool Christian Websites
I posted several poems I wrote, four from way back, and one I wrote in august to the Poetry Index and put them in tenative Chronological order, so, go check them out if poetry is your thing, let me know what you think if you care to drop a line.
Adam wrote two The Bible On… Columns: The Bible On Sex and The Bible on Grace , I just got done finishing the editing and links for him, so, go check ’em out, and enjoy!
Adam published his ebook at 1chapter.com, I believe it was, and said I could post the poems he included in the “free chapter” so to speak, so I’ve uploaded Choice and God’s Day , two of the poems from Adam’s e-book. If you’re curious, here’s the page where his poetry e-book is being sold ($2.99 I think)
redid the two email forms on the site The Survey and the Link Exhange page, they’re basically the same, only now its hosted completely here on crossspot and not through freedback anymore, their “submission sucessful” page was just awful.
I’ve been working on a total revision of My Testimony for some time now. Well, I finally got it up…. all FIVE pages of it! (including the contents page) whew! Don’t worry, I didn’t completely get rid of the old one, I used most of it in writing the new Testimony, in addition, the old version is till available at its old page, testimony.html, though this is the only link to it, I think. Happy reading!
Oh, yeah did you notice adam’s yellow nav-bar? Its what we settled on. In addition, Nov. 4th was our 4-month aniversary. Speaking of which, I know I haven’t done as much work here lately, but thats how the ax falls sometimes for newlyweds, don’t worry, I haven’t abanoned my pet project here for a long shot. Adam’s been too busy working on Adam’s Web to contribute much here. I’d like to get permission from him to post some of his poetry and writing, though, (I’d go ahead and post, but I need to check b/c some of it he wants to use comercially). He put his poetry in an e-book to sell, I post mine free, b/c for me its a ministry, but I guess to him its a budding career. Men.
wow! I can’t believe how long I let this go! Sorry, folks, I guess we were busy with life and all. Well, Yesterday I got started working on this again. I’m going to change the color scheme (its too femie for Adam’s liking) . I have a couple of schemes I’m going to pitch to him before going to all that work 🙂 I redid the info page, filing our testimonies and my old info page underneath it. Oh yeah, Adam finally wrote and I finally loaded his testimony, so be sure to check that out. Be sure to email me your congratulations, yesterday marked our second month anniversary (we were married on the fourth of july of this year, which is my excuse for taking so long). I hope to post some of our recent writing and finally get that fiction folder started soon (for real I hope this time!) Oh yeah, and now that you’re done emailing your congrats, you need to wish me a happy birthday. I’ll be 21 September 7th 🙂 BTW, I’m kidding, you don’t have to send me email. Just send money 😉
I think I just about got the switch to the crossspot.net server complete. I’ll have to put some notes up on the old ashland server to let people know, though I’m leaving school at the end of the semester so I don’t know how long they’ll leave my site up. I’m still switching to a server that I’ll have a easier time using once I move this December. It’ll also be easier for Adam to work on the site once I get done training him 🙂
I added a new section to the site today, The Academic Articles Index There are currently five new articles under that heading. I’m also going to be working on some major changes to the site as we’re aquiring a second webmaster (three guesses who I’ve tapped) and preparing to move to a different server.
I updated my information page (one of the few pages on this site that has personal information about me on it), there is a treat at the bottom of the page for those of you who like pictures, btw :). I also added a devotional-esque article (Just Take The Bridge) to the nonfiction index.
Today is my fiance’s 21st birthday, happy birthday Adam! He will be celebrating without the traditional alcoholic beverage due to our abstience. I’ve updated the webrings page and added a christian newswire to the site, located for space reasons on the Article Index page . For those of you who have heard the reports that there may be more terroist attacks this weekend, please do not be alarmed! Nothing can happen to you outside the reach of the Lord’s power, and neither blessing nor harm shall come to you unless the Lord wills it, so do not be afraid, because, “we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” (Ro:8:28, NKJV)
I added a new article, The Bible On Following Christ to that series, and the poem 911 to the Poetry Index. My sympathy goes (I know you’re probably getting a little tired of this but bear with me, at least I’m not doing it to try and sell you something) out to the victims of the terrorist attacks that took place on September 11th, and to their family and friends. It is my prayer that this nation will respond to this warning with godly wisdom (which we tend to be a bit lacking in), and justice and mercy.
I discovered that the server for the old message boards had crashed, so I had to replace that. What a Mess! LOL. Anyways, I’ll say a quick prayer for any requests I may have missed. The Lord will know you 🙂 I’m back at school now, so hopefully I’ll be getting more done around here. To make up for the long absense, I’ve added three new articles to the Nonfiction Index. On a side note, I had a very wonderful summer–I got engaged 🙂 He’s a wonderful Guy. (Adam, if you’re reading this, I love you!) Oh, and my 20th birthday is next friday (9/7), and it looks like I won’t have anyone to celebrate with, since most of my friends and family will be far away… But, at least I’ll have Jesus! 🙂
I added two new articles to the nonfiction article index, “Who do you say that I am?” and “Take it by Faith or Take Asprin”. I have a few things for the fiction section, but I have yet to post any of them to the site.
Well, Easter is this coming Sunday, so Happy Easter, everybody! Remember: There was nothing good about Good Friday on Good Friday! And you remember what they say about Christmas “Jesus is the Reason for the season”? Its true about Easter, too! Forget the Easter bunny! LOL. Anyways, as a special treat, I’m posting a new article in the Bible On series: The Bible on Fear Enjoy!