1/05/06 Happy New Year everyone. I know it’s been pretty quiet around here. Wanted to let you know my husband hired me (sorta) as a columnist on his blog (if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em), so I’ve been writing over there. One of these days, I will get around to crossposting my religious pieces (Jesus is still my subject of choice, I assure you), I swear. Hopefully a lot sooner than I got around to putting the Short Stories up. In the mean time, you can check go out my posts at Adam’s Blog I’ve also been posting Forgotten as a serial over there.Read More →

2/02/01 Happy Ground Hog’s day! And here is your treat: I added two new articles to the index today, so go check them out! 1/16/01 Loaded the site today and altered the awards page 1/10/01 Finished the work on the navigation bar. Took the chatroom stuff off. Updated several pages in the nonfiction article index, loaded two new poems to the Poetry Index 12/18/00 Did a general update today. I’m working on an overhaul and will load the full update after the new year. 11/12/00 I added a new poem to the poetry index, (see the link under 10/21). Comments on this one and allRead More →

2/4/00 Happy belated Ground Hog’s day. I’ve been fussing with the navigational bar again, this time I just put this page back on it. It deserves to me there. I also took the link to the community off. It was just taking up space. 1/31/00 Checked the html on the front page using Web Site Garage. Found a few trivial things that didn’t really effect the page much. I also added another Cool Christian Website link. 1/27/00 Yeah! I thinked the boo-boo! I’m sticking with the horizontal nav. bar, but I added an article index to get the articles off the bar and keep itRead More →