You’re invited to celebrate the release of Avatars of Web Surfer! On Tuesday 10/18 at the Avatars Release Party event page, from 7:30 Mountain Time to 8:30 Mountain Time, we’ll be playing party games, including Mad Libs.
Right here, we’ll be raffling off neat stuff from my co-authors of this collection of same-universe Sci-Fi with a touch of magic and wonder.
Raffle Items:
Afghan made by Cindy Koepp
Vintage bracelet similar to the ones Joya makes in Jewel Among Stones by Cindy Koepp.
A DIY Jewelry Kit from Cindy Koepp
Travis Perry’s never-worn size 15 black army boots (used ones may be available in smaller sizes upon request.)
Crocheted AI Doll by Heather Titus.
Signed copy of Forged Steel by Heather Titus
Print Copy of Martian Science Fiction anthology, edited by Travis Perry
To enter to receive one of these nifty prizes, any time beginning on 9/20 and ending on 10/19 (at 12AM) return here and use the Rafflecopter gadget below. It will give you entries for each of the following activities:
*Attending Virtual Party and Play Mad Libs
*Winning a game at the virtual party, excluding Mad Libs
×Owning Avatars of Web Surfer (The confirmation number from your purchase.)
×Posting about Avatars on Social Media (Link to your post or to your profile)
×Leaving a Blog Post Comment
×Following @andreajgraham, @tt_perry, @CCKoepp, @HATitusWriting on Twitter
×Signing up for Andrea J. Graham’s mailing list. (Your email address)
I’ve set up the raffle so you can get started on some of these in advance; just be sure to save proof so you can provide it when you come back here on the day of the party to get credit in the raffle for any activities done in advance. The ones you can do in advance have after them the proof you’ll need to provide in parenthesis, (like this.)
Bear Publications released Avatars on 7/20/2016. It is available as an ebook or in paperback on Amazon. Read more about Avatars of Web Surfer on its page.
Also please note I replaced an outdated feedburner subscribe box with a new, proper mailing list. I’ll be posting copies of new content from this website as well as info on new releases of my science fiction and fantasy books and perhaps some of my Christian authors friends’ new releases in those genres.
[tweetthis]Avatars of #WebSurfer Release Party on 10/18–the #raffle is open to entries now! [/tweetthis]
That is a beautiful afghan! Congrats on your book release!
I don’t think I need big boots. 😛
Great Party, I had fun. I especially enjoyed how interactive it was.
I agree, Cindy did great work on the afghan, it’s gorgeous!
Yeah, the boots would be cool to have but not practical for my feet, they’d be a bit too big on my husband, too. LOL.
Catherine, thanks for coming, I enjoyed the interaction!