After last week’s call for the everyday, ordinary miracles you have experienced in your life, I got a nice letter from Lance Price who blogs at: He reminds us of one of the greatest, most overlooked miracles we can experience: faith itself. He writes: While my testimony didn’t take place in one day, it certainly has been quite the picture of a transformed life. I was raised Catholic, but I never believed in anything I was taught. My parents divorced when I was 11, and that brought my agnostic doubts to downright declared atheism by the time I was 13. When I reachedRead More →

The Pharisees confronted Jesus over divorce in Matthew 19 asking if it was lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any cause. Jesus answered in part with a line that would become part of many marriage ceremonies, “What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.” (Matthew 19:6) The Pharisees raised a reasonable legal point and asked, “Why then did Moses command one to give a certificate of divorce and to send her away?” Jesus responded, “Because of your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.”  (Matthew 19:8) The certificate ofRead More →

Dear Andrea, I read this and wondered what you would tell these people to do. Adam Cyber cheats married… to each other A married couple are divorcing after they chatted each other up on the Internet using fake names. Full Story: click here First, I would break the reality that an affair with your wife is not grounds to divorce her. They both lied, yes. It could even be argued they both committed adultery in their hearts. But they shouldn’t be getting divorced. They should be getting a marriage counselor and dishing out forgiveness. Especially when you’re both equally guilty. This is a marriage thatRead More →

 Dear Andrea, After a weekened visit to my parents house by myself, i came back home with an awkward feeling and some suspicions. I checked our computers history, and to my surprise found a bunch of pornorgraphic websites that my husband had visited over the weekened..all viewed at night time. Due to his actions i lost complete trust in him and am having a hard time regaining it back. I feel like our sex life has gone down hill. My husband makes me feel like a sex object that is only used to his advantage. One evening while taking a walk i decided to takeRead More →

Dear Andrea, I signed a prenup before I was married to my present husband… in the 5.5 years that we have been married, well to put it short, he is an alcoholic . . . so, what I would like to know is: How can I void the prenup agreement . . . ? My children are grown and married and they tell me I can live with them, but if I move out now I’m afraid I will get nothing. My husband is very verbally abusive and belittles me all of the time and he won’t admit he has a problem. Thank you veryRead More →